Jack Kammer, MSW, MBA

22 stories

Cover of If Men Have All the Power How Come women Make the Rules
Front cover of If Men Have All the Power How Come Women Make the Rules
Jack Kammer, MSW, MBA

26 stories

Front cover of the 1994 book Good Will Toward Men by Jack Kammer
Front cover of the 1994 book Good Will Toward Men by Jack Kammer
Front cover of the 1994 book Good Will Toward Men by Jack Kammer
Jack Kammer, MSW, MBA

1 story

Main section of the front cover of the book Heroes of the Blue Sky Rebellion by Jack Kammer
Jack Kammer, MSW, MBA

5 stories

Jack Kammer, MSW, MBA

Jack Kammer, MSW, MBA

Book Author

Jack is a masculist, a fair counterpart to feminists. Since 1983 he has worked in radio, print, video and in-person to address sexism against men and boys.